Alan McCann is one of the original founders of Givsum, running the tech side of the company. From organizing the platform to implementing the new features, Givsum wouldn’t exist without Alan, so...
Virtual Fundraising Ideas
Givsum is your virtual fundraising ideas solution as COVID 19 has created challenges to running in-person events and activities. Virtual events can occur entirely online with an unlimited number of...
The Power of Giving Back
It's no secret that giving makes you feel good. But what else lies in the power of giving back? Whether you are volunteering your time or donating to a philanthropic cause, here are several...
Givsum Superhero: Kevin Wagner
Kevin Wagner, Givsum Superhero Givsum Score: 100 Philanthropist by night, Vice President by day. Givsum Superhero Kevin Wagner has plenty on his plate as...
Givsum Superhero: AnneMarie Hernandez
AnneMarie Hernandez, Givsum Superhero Givsum Score 104 Role: Volunteer and Network LiaisonNumber of years involved: 5 years AnneMarie Hernandez's favorite organization:...
Givsum Superhero: Melissa Salas
Melissa Salas, Givsum Superhero: Givsum Score 110 What is a Givsum Superhero? A hero is not necessarily a man with superhuman strength, a woman with extraordinarytalents, a person with a mask and a...
Learn about how Givsum can work for you
Let us show you how your charitable organization can use Givsum’s powerful software to solve its own individual needs and power its fundraising